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10 Pohon Tertinggi Dunia

This is a list of 10 largest trees in the world. The exact locations of 10 tallest trees in the world are secrets, so the pictures available in this post are only illustrations. The trees are not guarded 24/7 and only sealed the information what keep the trees grow higher. 

10. Mendocino – 112.20 m (368.1 ft)
photo source
Species:   Sequoia sempervirens
Location:  Montgomery Woods, California, USA
Diameter: 4,19 m (13,7 ft)
Between December 1996 and August 2000, the tallest tree in Montgomery Woods, named theMendocino Tree, was the world's tallest known tree. It was displaced by the discovery of a number of taller trees in Humboldt Redwoods State Park and later Redwood National Park in Humboldt County. The tree is one of dozens of similar height in the grove, and was never specifically marked in order to protect the tree. Earlier well-publicized candidates for the world's tallest tree suffered damage from stresses resulting from crowds of tourists.

9. Paradox – 112.56 m (369.2 ft), USA
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Species:   Sequoia sempervirens
Location:  Humboldt, Rockefeller Forest, California, USA
Diameter: 3,90 m (12,8 ft)

8. Rockefeller – 112.60 m (369.3 ft)
photo source
Species:   Sequoia sempervirens
Location:  Humboldt, Upper Bull Creek Flat, California, USA
Diameter: --

7. Lauralyn – 112.62 m (369.5 ft)
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Species:   Sequoia sempervirens
Location:  Humboldt, South Fork Eel River, California, USA
Diameter: 4,54 m (14,9 ft)
Discovered by Paul Zinke & Al Stangenburger

6. Orion – 112.63 m (369.5 ft)
photo source
Species:    Sequoia sempervirens
Location:   Redwood, Redwood Creek Tributary, California, USA
Diameter:  4,33 m (14,2 ft)
Discovered and verified by Lidar.

5. National Geographic Society – 112.71 m (369.9 ft)
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Species:   Sequoia sempervirens
Location:  Redwood Creek, California, USA
Diameter: 4,39 m  (14,4 ft)
The fifth tallest tree in the world is located in Redwood Creek. From 1994, after it was found, the tree became the tallest tree in the world until 1995.

4. Stratosphere Giant – 113.11 m (371.1 ft)
photo source
Species:   Sequoia sempervirens
Location:  Humboldt, Rockefeller Forest, California, USA
Diameter: 5,18 m (17 ft)
Stratosphere Giant was once considered the tallest tree in the world. It was discovered in July 2000 in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, measuring 112.34 metres (368.6 ft) tall. The tree has continued to grow and measured 113.11 m (371.1 ft) in 2010. It is a specimen of the species Sequoia sempervirens, the Coast Redwood. It is surrounded by a large number of trees of almost equal size. To avoid damage by tourism, the tree's exact location was not disclosed to the public.

3. Icarus – 113.14 m (371.2 ft)
photo source
Species:   Sequoia sempervirens
Location:  Redwood, Redwood Creek Tributary, California, USA
Diameter: 3,78 m (12,4 ft)
Discovered July 1st, 2006. Dead spire top. Once taller.

2. Helios – 114.58 m (375.9 ft)
Richard Preston and his daughter climbing a 100 m plus redwood called BCG in Humboldt Redwoods State Park  photo source
Species:   Sequoia sempervirens
Location:  Redwood, Redwood Creek Tributary, California, USA
Diameter: 4,96 m (16,3 ft)
According to report, Helios was the tallest tree in the world from 1 June 2006 until 25 august 2006. The tree lost its title after foresters found Hyperion on the other side of Redwood creek tributary.

1. Hyperion – 115.61 m (379.3 ft)
photo source
Species:   Sequoia sempervirens
Location:  Redwood, Redwood Creek Tributary, California, USA
Diameter: 4,84 m (15,9 ft)
Hyperion is the name of a Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) in Northern California that was measured at 115.61 metres (379.3 ft), which ranks it as the world's tallest known living tree. Hyperion was discovered August 25, 2006 by naturalists Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor. The tree was verified as standing 115.55 metres (379.1 ft) tall by Stephen Sillett. The tree was found in a remote area of Redwood National and State Parks purchased in 1978. The exact location of the tree has not been revealed to the public for fear that human traffic would upset the ecosystem the tree inhabits. The tree is estimated to contain 502 cubic metres (17,700 cu ft) of wood, and to be roughly 700 – 800 years old.


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