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10 Facts about Wikipedia ( 10 Fakta Tentang Wikipedia )

Wikipedia is the 8th most visited web site in the internet. It is the largest online encyclopedia website on the internet with millions of articles in their database. All people can contribute and edit articles in Wikipedia, make it easy for all people to share information, facts and other important news to the world. As one of the largest non-profit websites on the internet, Wikipedia must have several interesting facts. Here are the top 10 facts about Wikipedia.
10. Wikipedia was launched 10 years ago
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Last January 15th is the 10th anniversary of Wikipedia. It has another meaning that Wikipedia was launched by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. In the term of 10 years, Wikipedia has been developing into millions visitors a day from just a small website where anyone can contribute.
9. Wiki
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Wiki is actually a Hawaii word that means quick in English. However, through the rapid development of Wikipedia and the rising of Wikipedia popularity, the word Wiki has its own meaning that is a web based application that allows people to edit the content. That’s why many similar websites on the internet are also named Wiki.
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.com and .org
At the first time Wikipedia was launched, it was named not like today. Do you know the difference of both domain names? The reason why they change the domain into is because Wikipedia was launched for non profit purpose.
7. Vandalism
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Because anyone can edit contents in Wikipedia, there is small opportunity for people to vandalize the articles in Wikipedia. For example, vandalism can be happened in the type of public figure page, a county page and something like that.
6. Languages
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As the world largest online encyclopedia site, Wikipedia currently supports 260 different languages. English is the most popular language in Wikipedia followed by German language, French, Italian and Spanish.
5. Adult contents
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Did you know that Adult contents are the most popular content in Wikipedia? Amazingly, adult contents are so popular in almost all supported language accept in French and Spanish.
4. Guidelines
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What makes Wikipedia more amazing is the fact that there is no censorship enacted by Wikipedia. However, articles which are going to be published in Wikipedia must follow several criteria such as Verifiable and Neutral.
3. Page Views
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page views
As the 8th most visited website in the internet, Wikipedia generate amazing number of total page views in a year. Wikipedia makes 684 millions page views per year. And about 21 percents of total Wikipedia visitors come from Google Search Engine. It actually shows that Google and Wikipedia are perfectly well in the term of providing information in the internet.
2. Accuracy
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A survey said that the accuracy level of Wikipedia is just 80 percents. It is lower compared to Encyclopedia Britannica. This is probably happened because anyone can edit Wikipedia articles and the number of articles in Wikipedia is so huge so the administrators don’t have enough power to supervise all edits.
1. No Ads!
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No Ads
When most websites on the internet display ads in their web pages, Wikipedia doesn’t display any ads in their website. This is because they are non-profit website


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