Albania | Beslidhja Skaut Albania |
Algeria | Scouts Musulmans Algériens (Algerian Muslim Scouts) |
Angola | Associação de Escuteiros de Angola (AEA) (Scout Association of Angola) |
Argentina | Scouts de Argentina (Scouts of Argentina) |
Armenia | Hayastani Azgayin Scautakan Sharjum Kazmakerputiun (HASK) (Armenian National Scout Movement) |
Australia | Scouts Australia |
Austria | Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs (Scouts and Guides of Austria) |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaican Skautlar Associasiyasi (The Association of Scouts of Azerbaijan) |
Bahamas | The Scout Association of the Bahamas |
Bahrain | Boy Scouts of Bahrain |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh Scouts |
Barbados | Barbados Boy Scouts Association |
Belgium | Guidisme et Scoutisme en Belgique/Gidsen- en Scoutsbeweging in België (Guiding and Scouting in Belgium)
Belize | The Scout Association of Belize |
Benin | Scoutisme Béninois (Benin Scouting) |
Bhutan | Bhutan Scout Tshogpa |
Bolivia | Asociación de Scouts de Bolivia (The Scout Association of Bolivia) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | The Council of Scout Associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana | The Botswana Scouts Association |
Brazil | União dos Escoteiros do Brasil (Brazilian Scouts Association) |
Brunei Darussalam | Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam National Scout Association) |
Bulgaria | Organizatsia Na Bulgarskite Skauty (OBS) (Organization of Bulgarian Scouts) |
Burkina Faso | Fédération Burkinabé du Scoutisme (Scout Federation of Burkina Faso)
Burundi | Association des Scouts du Burundi (Scout Association of Burundi) |
Cameroon | Les Scouts du Cameroun/Boy Scouts of Cameroon |
Cambodia | National Association of Cambodian Scouts |
Canada | Scouts Canada, with which is affiliated Association des Scouts du Canada |
Cape Verde | Associação dos Escuteiros de Cabo Verde (Scout Association of Cape Verde) |
Chad | Fédération du Scoutisme Tchadien (Scout Federation of Chad)
Chile | Asociación de Guias y Scouts de Chile (Guide and Scout Association of Chile) |
China, Scouts of | Scouts of China |
Colombia | Asociación de Scouts de Colombia (Scout Association of Colombia) |
Comoros | Wezombeli (Association Nationale du Scoutisme Comorien) (The National Scout Association of Comoros) |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of The | Fédération des Scouts de la République démocratique du Congo (The Scout Federation of the Democratic Republic of The Congo) |
Costa Rica | Asociación de Guias y Scouts de Costa Rica (Association Guides and Scouts of Costa Rica) |
Côte-d’Ivoire | Fédération Ivoirienne du Scoutisme (Scout Federation of Côte d’Ivoire)
Croatia | Savez Izvidaca Hrvatske (The Scout Association of Croatia) |
Cyprus | Cyprus Scouts Association |
Czech Republic | Junák-Svaz Skautu a Skautek |
Denmark | Fællesrådet for Danmarks Drengespejdere (The Danish Scout Council)
Dominica | The Scout Association of Dominica |
Dominican Republic | Asociación de Scouts Dominicanos (Dominican Scout Association) |
Ecuador | Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador (Scout Association of Ecuador) |
Egypt | Egyptian Scout Federation |
El Salvador | Asociación de Scouts de El Salvador (Scout Association of El Salvador) |
Estonia | Eesti Skautide Ühing (Estonian Scout Association) |
Ethiopia | Ethiopia Scout Association |
Fiji | Fiji Scouts Association |
Finland | Suomen Partiolaiset-Finlands Scouter |
France | Scoutisme Français (French Scouting)
Gabon | Fédération Gabonaise du Scoutisme (Scouting Federation of Gabon)
Gambia | The Gambia Scout Association |
Georgia | sakartvelos skauturi modzraobis organizatsia (Georgian Organization of the Scout Movement) |
Germany | Ring deutscher Pfadfinderverbände (RdP) (Scout Federation of Germany)
Ghana | The Ghana Scout Association |
Greece | Soma Hellinon Proskopon (Scout Association of Greece) |
Grenada | The Scout Association of Grenada |
Guatemala | Asociación de Scouts de Guatemala (Scout Association of Guatemala) |
Guinea | National Scout Association of Guinea |
Guyana | The Scout Association of Guyana |
Haiti | Scouts d’Haïti (Scouts of Haiti) |
Honduras | Asociación de Scouts de Honduras (Scouts Association of Honduras) |
Hong Kong | The Scout Association of Hong Kong |
Hungary | Magyar Cserkészszövetség (Hungarian Scout Association) |
Iceland | Bandalag íslenskra Skáta (Icelandic Boy and Girl Scout Association) |
India | The Bharat Scouts and Guides |
Indonesia | Gerakan Pramuka (Boy Scouts and Girl Guides Movement) |
Ireland | Scouting Ireland |
Israel | Hitachdut Hatsofim Ve Hatsofot Be Israel (Israel Boy and Girl Scouts Federation)
Italy | Federazione Italiana dello Scautismo (Italian Scout Federation)
Jamaica | The Scout Association of Jamaica |
Japan | Scout Association of Japan |
Jordan | Jordanian Association for Boy Scouts and Girl Guides |
Kazakhstan | Organization of the Scout Movement of Kazakhstan (OSMK) |
Kenya | The Kenya Scouts Association |
Kiribati | Kiribati Scout Association |
Korea, Republic.of | Boy Scouts of Korea |
Kuwait | Kuwait Boy Scouts Association |
Latvia | Latvijas Skautu un Gaidu Centrala Organizacija (The Scout and Guide Central Organization of Latvia) |
Lebanon | Fédération du Scoutisme Libanais (Lebanese Scout Federation) |
Lesotho | Lesotho Scouts Association |
Liberia | Boy Scouts of Liberia |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | Public Scout and Girl Guide Movement |
Liechtenstein | Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins (Scouts and Guides of Liechtenstein) |
Lithuania | Lietuvos Skautija (Lithuanian Scouting) |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg Boy Scouts Association
Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of | Sojuz na Izvidnici na Makedonija (The Scout Association of The former Yugoslave Republic of Macedonia) |
Madagascar | Firaisan’ny Skotisma eto Madagasikara (Scout Federation of Madagascar)
Malawi | Scout Association of Malawi |
Malaysia | Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia (The Scouts Association of Malaysia) |
Maldives | The Scout Association of Maldives |
Malta | The Scout Association of Malta |
Mauritania | Association des Scouts et Guides de Mauritanie (The Scout and Guide Association of Mauritania) |
Mauritius | The Mauritius Scout Association |
Mexico | Asociación de Scouts de México, A.C. (Scout Association of Mexico) |
Moldova, Republic of | Asociatia Nationala A Scoutilor Din Moldova (National Scout Association of Moldova) |
Monaco | Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco (Association of Scouts and Guides of Monaco) |
Mongolia | Mongoliyn Skautiyn Holboo (The Scout Association of Mongolia) |
Montenegro | Association of Scouts of Montenegro |
Morocco | Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain (National Federation of Moroccan Scouting) |
Mozambique | Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique (League of Scouts of Mozambique) |
Namibia | Scouts of Namibia |
Nepal | Nepal Scouts |
Netherlands | Scouting Nederland (Netherlands Scouting) |
New Zealand | Scouting New Zealand |
Nicaragua | Asociación de Scouts de Nicaragua (Scout Association of Nicaragua) |
Niger | Association des Scouts du Niger (Scout Association of Niger) |
Nigeria | Boy Scouts of Nigeria |
Norway | Speidernes Fellesorganisasjon (The Guides and Scouts of Norway)
Oman | The National Organisation for Scouts & Guides |
Pakistan | Pakistan Boy Scouts Association |
Palestinian Authority | Palestinian Scout Association |
Panama | Asociación Nacional de Scouts de Panamá (National Scout Association of Panama) |
Papua New Guinea | The Scout Association of Papua New Guinea |
Paraguay | Asociación de Scouts del Paraguay (Scouts Association of Paraguay) |
Peru | Asociación de Scouts del Perú (Scout Association of Peru) |
Philippines | Boy Scouts of the Philippines |
Poland | Zwiazek Harcerstwa Polskiego (ZHP) The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association |
Portugal | Federação Escutista de Portugal (Scout Federation of Portugal)
Qatar | Qatar Boy Scouts Association |
Romania | Cercetasii României (The National Scout Organization of Romania) |
Russian Federation | Russian Association of Scouts/Navigators (RAS/N) |
Rwanda | Association des Scouts du Rwanda (Scout Association of Rwanda) |
San Marino | Associazione Guide e Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi (The Catholic Guide and Scout Association of San Marino) |
Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabian Boy Scouts Association |
Senegal | Confédération Sénégalaise du Scoutisme (Senegalese Scout Confederation)
Serbia | Scout Association of Serbia |
Seychelles | The Scout Association of Seychelles |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone Scouts Association |
Singapore | The Singapore Scout Association |
Slovakia | Slovensky skauting (Slovak Scouting) |
Slovenia | Zveza tabornikov Slovenije (Scout Association of Slovenia) |
South Africa | South African Scout Association |
Spain | Federación de Escultismo en España (FEE)* (Scouting Federation in Spain)
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Scout Association |
Saint Lucia | The Saint Lucia Scout Association |
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines | The Scout Association of Saint Vincent & The Grenadines |
Sudan | Sudan Boy Scouts Association |
Suriname | Boy Scouts van Suriname (Boy Scouts of Suriname) |
Swaziland | Emavulandlela Swaziland Scout Association |
Sweden | Svenska Scoutråde t (The Swedish Guide and Scout Council)
Switzerland | Swiss Guide and Scout Movement |
Syrian Arab Republic | Scouts of Syria |
Tajikistan | Ittihodi Scouthoi Tochikiston / Associatsia Skautov Tadjikistana (Scout Association of Tajikistan) |
Tanzania, United Republic of | Tanzania Scouts Association |
Thailand | The National Scout Organization of Thailand |
Togo | Association Scoute du Togo (Scout Association of Togo) |
Trinidad and Tobago | The Scout Association of Trinidad & Tobago |
Tunisia | Les Scouts Tunisiens (The Scouts of Tunisia) |
Turkey | Turkiye Izcilik Federasyonu (Scouting and Guiding Federation of Turkey) |
Uganda | The Uganda Scout Association |
Ukraine | National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine |
United Arab Emirates | Emirates Scout Association |
United Kingdom | The Scout Association |
United States | Boy Scouts of America |
Uruguay | Movimiento Scout del Uruguay (Scout Association of Uruguay) |
Venezuela | Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela (Scout Association of Venezuela) |
Yemen | Yemen Scout Association |
Zambia | Zambia Scouts Association |
Zimbabwe | The Scout Association of Zimbabwe |
French Polynesia | Associate member of the Asia Pacific Region of the World Scout Organization |
Netherlands Antilles | Associate member of the Interamerican Region of the World Scout Organization |
Macau | Scouts of Macau, Associate member of the Asia Pacific Region of the World Scout Organization http://dkrairhangat.wordpress.com |
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